This lil beauty is the card LindaV sent me... its too had a wonderful lil prezzy inside ;o) cant wait to use that too hehehehe Thanx Linda... I love em 8oD xXx
I got a couple more surprises 2day when the posty came.... hehehehe Thank you cards.... one from our Anjie & one from Jul aka Nifty Fingers both from Docrafts 8o)
This gorgeous Tilda card is the one from Anjie.... its a 'Thank you' card to me for the birthday card & goodies I sent her... bless her she's such a softy.... thanx Anj.... me loves it ALL ;o) xXx
This gorgeous floral card is from Jul aka Nifty Fingers... again this is a 'Thank you' card to me for some cards I sent her not long ago for a charity she does 8oD... another softy bless her... thanx Jul... I love it 8o) xXx
well dunno if its only me... but I cant get onto Docrafts... AGAIN!!!!!! just keep getting a timed out error page grrrrrrrrr... wish they'd get their act together... we never had this much trouble on the OLD site... wish we could go back there *sobs*
1/ I used to be bald
2/ I woz 1st at 'shot put' at school
3/ I have 3 sisters & 2 brothers
4/ I once owned a go-cart
5/ I love anything to do with Vampires & Werewolves
6/ I used to work in a chip shop
7/ I love creating cards & animations etc
hmmmmm & now for my nominations
1/ craftycairn
2/ pickle
3/ debsdoes
4/ BettyBoop67
5/ Aunty Sue
6/ amanalone
7/ Kozmik
I hope you all accept this award & carry it on in the spirit it is intended ;o) love n hugz xXx
Craftingallday aka Teresa
This is for you darl ;o)... coz I personally think your creative expression on your cards is just amazing & so inspring & I wish I woz half as talented as you.
Congratulations on being the first person to receive this award ;o) Pleez accept this award from me & on behalf of so many others crafting/blogging friends
'Be Proud' & add it to your Blog 8o) loves ya xXx
This post woz just to test if my new signature added correctly...
AND.... as we can see.... IT HAS!!! yayyyyy 8o)
There is a 'How To' for adding the signature on my sidebar.... just click the 'How to' for Blogs button... & on that page you will find different tutorials ;o)